Growing up in Mexico instilled energy-saving habits for Dr. Elizabeth Flores

We continue our collaboration with LatinoBuilt, a trade association for Latino-owned businesses in construction, to honor the practical routines and teachings Latino families have passed down from one generation to another.  

LatinoBuilt seeks to empower and support the voices of Latino-owned businesses. The nonprofit works with partners within the community to address current inequities and connects its members to project opportunities and other Latino-owned service providers, such as Dr. Elizabeth Flores of HouseCallMD

Dr. Flores is a physician with specialized training in geriatrics who has been serving older adults in Oregon since 2008. She started her practice to create direct patient-doctor relationships, eliminate intermediaries and foster a more honest and attentive care model for older people and people with limited mobility. 

Growing up in rural Mexico, she recalls her large family had to find ways to save energy and resources out of necessity. Today, she continues to save energy by applying the habits instilled in her as a child. Small changes, such as sealing windows or anywhere heat might be leaking to keep warm air inside the home, have now become a part of her everyday life.

Watch the following video to learn more about Dr. Flores’ story.  

Visit for more tips like these that can help lower your energy costs while increasing the comfort of your home. 


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