Business owner Joe Calderon teaches children to be environmentally conscious just as his mother taught him

For the past few weeks, we’ve highlighted practical routines and teachings Latino families have passed down from one generation to another with a series of short videos featuring members of LatinoBuilt, a trade association for Latino-owned businesses in construction. 

We end the series with Joe Calderon, owner of Sterling-Pacific. Since 2015, the commercial roofing and waterproofing company has provided solutions and installation services for building owners throughout the Northwest. 

Calderon notes how his mother raised him to be energy and environmentally conscious. Growing up in Oregon, he recalls his family preparing his home for the winter, covering windows with plastic and even separating rooms with sheets to keep the heat in certain rooms to save on utility bills.  

Watch the following video to learn more about Calderon’s story and how he is passing down these traditions to his children. 

Visit for more tips like these that can help lower your energy costs while increasing the comfort of your home. 


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